A collection of nuclei at the base of the temporal lobe, part of the limbic system. Plays a role in several emotional behaviors such as agression and sexual behavior.
A receptor molecule located in the presynaptic neuron's axon terminal. It is thought to play a role in providing feedback to the presynaptic neuron and play a role in modulating synaptic activity.
Part of the neuron that carries the neural impulse away from the soma toward the target of the neuron. This part of the neuron carries action potentials.
The difference in level of concentration between two areas. There is a tendency for molecules to flow, by chance movements, from regions of high concentrations to low concentrations.
Processes of the neuron that receives information from other neurons. That is these structures have places with receptors and are able to form synapses with incoming neurons.
The initial portion of the action potential where the voltage sweeps
from the resting potential past the neutral voltage to where the inside of
the axon is now positive relative to the outside of the axon.
Diffusion is the effect that the random movement of molecules have that causes the movement of molecules from a region of high concentration to low concentration. Diffusion will stop (that is the change in the relative levels of concentration) when the concentration of the substance in solution is equal at all points.
The lower pair of two pairs of bumbs on the posterior side of the midbrain. These structures relay auditory information from brainstem auditory nuclei to the Medial Geniculate Nucleus.
An electrically charged particle. Ions can be positive (e.g. Na+) or negative (e.g. Cl-). Like charges repel or push each other away, and opposite charges attract or draw each other.
A sheath of fatty tissue that covers most axons on the nervous system. It serves to speed conduction my limiting true action potentials to the gaps in the sheath. Under the myelin the neural impulse moves at the speed of light. The layer is formed by Schwann Cells in the periphereral nervous system and Oligodendrocytes in the central nervous system.
Part of the pathways that carry the visual information from the retina in the eyes to the lateral geniculat nucleus. In particular at this location, the axons carrying information from the nasal half of each retina cross, that is decussate, which the axons from the temporal retina do not decussate.
Part of the cerebral circulation, more particulary, part of the Circle of Willis that allows blood from any of the supply arteries in the neck to provide blood to all of the cerebral arteries.
A molecule in the postsynpatic neuron's membrane to which the neurotransmitters bind, which then directly or indirectly will alter the membrane potential by opening or closing ion channels.
The voltage that is across the membrane of an axon when that portion of the action is not conducting an action potential but is in a state ready to conduction an action potential.
The top pair of the two pair of bump on the posterior surface of the midbrain. Plays a role in vision, perhaps a part of the role vision plays in orienting us to the world, and eye movements.
One of the four ventricles in brain that produce
cerebrospinal fluid. This one is located in the lower forebrain and
midbrain. It surrounds the massa intermedia.
A difference in electrical charge between two locations. One region is more positive than the other. This situation represents the potential energy for electricity.