Society for Computers in Psychology


Twenty-sixth Annual Conference

Chicago, Illinois

Hyatt Regency Hotel

October 31, 1996

Society for Computers in Psychology
Program Schedule with links to each session.

Welcome to the twenty-sixth annual conference for the Society for Computers in Psychology. This year marks a continuation of the theme focusing on the Internet as a tool for psychology. In particular there are sessions on the World-Wide Web and how the Internet can be used as an experimental tool. However, the focus on the Internet is just an emblem of the increasing role that computers play in professional psychology. This increasing importance of computers in psychology can be seen in the session on computers in teaching, research, modeling, and in clinical practice. We hope that you will find this conference enjoyable and informative.

We would like to thank President Michael Levy and Secretary-Treasurer Sarah Ransdell for their continual help in the development of the program. Most of the steering committee served excellently as reviewers of the submitted proposals which made the job of program chair possible. Rob Sanford and Bob Proctor provided much needed guidance in getting the information needed to Psychonomics and getting the information necessary for the convention issue of Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers. Much thanks to all.

John H. Krantz, Hanover College

Darrell Butler, Ball State University

Program Co-Chairs


Michael Levy


Margaret Anderson


Bill Palya


Sarah Ransdell

Steering Committee

Doris Aaronson Drake Bradley Darrell Butler

Nancy Duncan Paula Goolkasian Peter Hornby

Richard Lehman Ellen Rosen Doug Eamon

Proceedings Editor

Robert W. Proctor

SCiP Program Schedule


Columbus Hall


Columbus Hall


Columbus Hall CD

Columbus Hall Foyer

7:30-8:40 am
Continental Breakfast and Registration
8:40-10:00 am Clinical Applications of Computer Technology Computer Modeling Design and Use of Browsers Registration
10:00-10:15 am Morning Break Registration
10:15-11:55 am Construction and Maintenance of Web Sites AI and Statistical Applications Internet Experiments: Issues and Techniques Registration
11:55 am-1:00 pm
1:00-3:00pm Teaching Applications of the World-Wide Web Laboratory and Teaching Applications Internet Experiments: Definition and Examples
3:00-3:15 Afternoon Break
3:15-4:15 Keynote Address

Lance Rips

4:15-5:00 Presidential Address

Michael Levy

5:00-5:30 Business Meeting and Awards Presentation

Columbus Hall A

Clinical Applications of Computer Technology

Moderator: Chin-Fen Shue

Depaul University

8:40-10:00 am

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8:40 am
Automated psychological assessment: Client attitudes in substance abusing and mental health clients

Matthew G. Hile,

& Rita E. Adkins, Department of Psychiatry and Nuerology, University of Missouri-Columbia


The attitudes of psychiatric and substance abuse clients completing automated assessments were compared. Factor analyses revealed three underlying dimensions client attitudes toward automated assessment: Completeness and satisfaction, Ease of use and enjoyment, and Negative attitudes. Overall, the results highlight the positive attitudes held by both types of clients toward automated assessments.

9:00 am
PsycWord: A Windows Program for Writing Clinical Documentation

Barry A. Tanner, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences, Wayne State University-Columbia


PsycWord is designed to help the clinical psychologist quickly prepare case documentation. It is organized around a word processor and reporting modules with on-screen file folders and controls which can be used separately or in combination to produce some of the more common clinical documentation. It is highly structured and yet flexible, allowing the psychologist to produce reports, treatment plans, and progress notes in far less time than traditional methods.

9:20 am
Virtual Pamphlets in University Student Counseling

Robert C. Hsiung, Department of Psychiatry,University of Chicago


Counseling centers often provide informational pamphlets. The commercially-available options are limited and producing one's own is costly. An innovative alternative is the sharing of virtual pamphlets on the World-Wide Web. Many centers are "re-purposing" their printed pamphlets. By linking to them, centers can cost-effectively collaborate to provide useful and relevant information. This novel approach is demonstrated by the University of Chicago Student Counseling and Resource Service's virtual pamphlet collection.

9:40 am
Virtual Psychotherapy?

Fred Cutter, California Polytechnic State


Does psychotherapy occur on the net? This refers to a licensed mental health professional exchanging messages with a willing client on some systematic basis, with or without fees being paid. It certainly can, and I assumed it did when I started to write this article. I searched for the topic using available engines, and found many "psychotherapy" items on the web, apparently.

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Columbus Hall B

Computer Modeling in Psychology

Chaired by: Fred Bremner

Trinity University

8:40-10:00 am

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8:40 am
An Object-Oriented Simulation of A Brain System Underlying Human Aggression

Mark Hartley, University of Windsor


Neural structures involved in aggression were incorporated in a model on the basis of neuroanatomical data. A software program, written in Smalltalk, was used to simulate the effects of activity levels of different brain structures. Relationships among brain structures were then tested by changing activity levels of key structures. Results were consistent with at least some research reports on the brain basis of aggression.

9:00 am
Computer Simulation of Motor Circuits Underlying Parkinson's Disease

Gabrielle Geller, &

David Reynolds, University of Windsor


Functional models of brain structures involved in Parkinson's Disease include basal ganglia, brain stem and cortical areas. Computer simulation of the interaction among brain structures can be used to evaluate these models. A computer simulation was used model normal function, disease function, and treatment effects in Parkinson's Disease.

9:20 am
Toward a Brain Simulation of Major Depression Using Multivariate (Fuzzy) Logic

David V. Reynolds, University of Windsor


Brain structures implicated in depression were entered into a computer simulation based on multivalue (fuzzy) logic. Brain structure activity was manipulated according to chagnes reported in models of depression. Simulated treatment with a serotonin (5-HT) agonist was accomplished by manipulating actvity of simulated brain structures affected by 5-HT in the real brain.

9:40 am
Perceptual Relations Between Color and Sound In Chromosthetic Associations of Music Students and Liberal Arts Students

Joshua A. Vaughn &

Terry Bonebright, DePauw


An experiment examining the chromesthetic response of 36 pure tones and 12 excerpts from Handel's Concerti Grossi, Opus 6 using 48 colors varying in hue and lightness was conducted with three groups of participants. HyperCard, Canary, and SoundEdit were used to present the visual and auditory stimuli as well as collect the data. Results suggest that systematic associations for responses for the participants exist and that the computer-centered method is viable for this type of research.

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Columbus Hall CD

Design and Use of Browsers

Chaired by: John H. Krantz

Hanover College

8:40-9:40 am

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8:40 am
A Human-Centered Approach for Improving World Wide Web Browsers

Bo Chen, School of Industrial Engineering,

Huifang Wang,

Robert W. Proctor, Department of Psychological Sciences

& Gavriel Salvendy School of Industrial Engineering, Purdue University


As a loosely organized, distributed database system with huge amount of diversified information, the World Wide Web has some unique problems pertaining to human use. By analyzing the users' search strategies on the Web, this article gives a conceptual model, which involves the most important factors in the design of Web browsers, followed by recommendations and design principles.

9:00 am

Facilitating International Exchange: WAVE on the Web

Stephan Lewandowsky,

University of Western Australia


International exchange and collaboration are becoming increasingly important in scientific psychology, in particular for overseas institutions. To enhance international exchange, the Department of Psychology at the University of Western Australia has installed a World-Wide Academic Visitor's Exchange (WAVE) on the Web which is an interactive data base that serves to bring together potential hosts and visitors. Traveling academics are invited to submit their itineraries, and prospective hosts are notified when colleagues visit their area. The WAVE page is located at URL:

9:20 am

A Model for Building Websites for Psychological Texts

Jorge Tony Lopez,



University of Wisconsis-Madison


A model for developing web sites to augment psychological texts will be presented. Original media will be developed and integrated with extant information on the web, list servers, and forums to create a site that will serve as an adjunct to J.S. Hyde's (1996) Understanding Human Sexuality, sixth edition. We envision that the site will be used by students attempting to gain mastery of material presented and/or those interested in accessing supplementary information. To address the former concern, we will include review questions, vocabulary exercises, and tables for organizing key material from selected chapters. To accommodate those with interest in the latter, we will provide links to existing sites, a directory of URLs of resources/organizations in human sexuality, and a forum to facilitate discussion.

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Columbus Hall A

Construction and Maintenance of World-Wide Web Sites

Moderator: Darrell Butler

Ball State University

10:15-11:35 am

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10:15 am
Use of HyperCard to create pages on the World-Wide Web

Ron Hoffman,

& John MacDonald, Dalhousie University

e-mail: Ron.Hoffman@Dal.Ca

A variety of commercial and shareware programs are now available to assist in creating HTML pages for a WWW site. However, users with some knowledge of HTML coding and a simple programming language, such as the HyperTalk language in HyperCard, can create custom tools which will simplify the task of creating and maintaining multiple-page WWW sites. We demonstrate two such examples, and discuss the basic steps needed to create these examples.

10:35 am
Setting Up Your Own World-Wide Web Server

William C. Schmidt, ,

John MacDonald,

& Ron Hoffman, Dalhousie University


Although many researchers wishing to use the World-Wide Web for academic purposes purchase Internet access services, they should be aware that it is inexpensive and easy to administer their own site. Doing so provides other research-related benefits such as complete control over the services provided, the guaranteed ability to execute Common Gateway Interface and Server Side Include programs, and immediate access to collected data. This paper presents the hardware and software requirements, as well as the steps needed to be taken, in setting up inexpensive web servers on a number of different computer platforms.

10:55 am
Practical Design and Maintenance Issues of a Working Web Site

Benjamin Isgut, Florida Atlantic University


This paper addresses the practical design and maintenance of a web site. User navigation is facilitated by use of coherent structure and strategic reference links. The use of logos, tool buttons, and graphics are important to ease of navigation, and the cohesiveness of the site. Maintenance and expansion of a site is facilitated by use of a structural hierarchy. Use of internal and external reference links, fonts and graphics, indexes, and standardized HTML are discussed.

11:15 am
Getting on the Web

Tony Lopez, University of Wisconsin-Madison


& Richard, Cyber-Solutions, Inc.


A workshop intended for those thinking about building websites will be presented. We will discuss the current state of the web, website design, maintenance, content and publicity. Current software (relational databases, html programming aids, web design, and server software) and hardware options will be covered. A question and answer period will follow. A web page covering this information will also be available after the conference as a future resource for attendees.

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Columbus Hall B

AI and Statistical Applications

Chaired by: Paula Goolkasian

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

10:15-11:55 am

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10:15 am
Neural Network Simulations Using Mathematica

Sean C. Duncan, &

Ryan D. Tweney, Bowling Green State University


Several neural networks were developed in the Mathematica programming environment in order to test the results of Kim and Myung (1995), which claimed that the addition of temporal summation to a neural network facilitated a semantic priming effect. We replicated their results, removed temporal summation then found the same priming effect. With these simulations, Mathematica was shown to be a powerful environment for neural network development, exhibiting distinct advantages over other environments in terms of programming ease, flexibility of data structures and the assessment of network performance.

10:35 am
Neural Networks--A Step Beyond Simulations

Frederick J. Bremner, Department of Psychology

& William Collins, Department of Engineering, Trinity University


Neural networks are commonly used to simulate perception or decision trees but not response chains. We believe it is time to apply these neural network strategies to motor responses. The advent of two new areas of research make this task most interesting. There is a growing literature on appetitive responses in insects and also many articles on simulating this six-legged motor response. We have extended these computer resident neural networks simulations to reside in moving insect robots.

10:55 am
A Computer Tool for Constructing and Integrating Inferences into Text Representations

Franz Schmalhofer, German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence

Lutz Franken,

& Jörg Schwerdtner, Universität Kaiserslautern


A general computer tool for constructing knowledge-based inferences from text representations and related background knowledge is presented. For constructing an inference, one or several entities of the discourse focus are used as the starting points of marker passing processes and specific relationships are thereby identified as connecting paths. Out of these paths, explicit inference statements are then compiled. A version of the system is implemented in Java and runs under the Netscape navigator.

11:15 am
Using a parallel vectorizing processor for the statistical computations

Lynne K. Edwards, University of Minnesota


I will briefly summarize the potentials and problems in computing that arose from the symposium on High Performance Computer Applications in the Behavioral Sciences, in particular, in the area statistics computing and data analysis. I then present some solutions for making a short-cut and reducing the problems in using a Parallel Vectorizing Processor machine.

11:35 am
Collapsing Multi-way Contingency Tables: Simpson's Paradox and Homogenization

John R. Vokey, University of Lethbridge


Simpson's Paradox results from the collapsing of multi-way contingency tables in the presence of non-additivity. An extension of the interative proportional fitting algorithm (Deming & Stephan, 1940) is described that may be used to homogenize such tables to produce the required additivity over the unwanted (collapsed-over) effects. A pseudo-code solution and Hypercard stack will be discussed to show how this algorithm can be implemented.

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Columbus Hall CD

Internet Experiments I:

Issues and Techniques

Moderator: Gregory Brake

Bowling Green University

10:15-11:55 am

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10:15 am
A Web-page for administration of psychology and social science experiments

Scott Ottaway, Department of Psychology, University of New Mexico


The World-Wide-Web provides a network for easy access to database information. A set of portable HyperText-Markup-Language (HTML) and C programs for management of human subject participation in psychology experiments will be introduced. The programs simplify administration of experiment information, sign-up procedures and credit for participants. Issues associated with installation, data security, statistics and limitations will be addressed. This approach satisfactorily complies with legal issues associated with human subjects and is easily implemented on departmental web-pages.

10:35 am
Where do the data go? Collecting demo data from web pages

Christine H. Jazwinski, &

Leslie A. Valdes, St. Cloud State University


How can web pages be used for experimental demonstrations in psychology? To accomplish course objectives it should be possible to present stimuli, collect data, and then present computed results to students. This paper concentrates on the potential of web pages and serves for data collection, computation, and feedback. The use of CGI programming and web server log files is discussed. Finally, the issues of experimental control, database integration, and ethics are touched upon.

10:55 am
Using the Internet for Triple-Blind Psychological Research Studies

Christopher N. Gaydosh, East Carolina University


Recent advances in computer-based communications have made it possible to collect and analyze enormous volumes of data from distant sites. Simultaneously, this technology can now allow researchers to conquer the old and wide-spread problem of experimenter bias. This paper outlines simple triple-blind computer-based designs which accomplish these goals, using a low-cost system based on the existing Internet and WWW communications.
11:15 am
Using the World Wide Web to institute a distributed, on-line participant pool

Michael Smith, Psychology Department

& Brant Leigh, Computer Services, University College of the Cariboo


Computer networks have capabilities that can make finding research volunteers easier. This paper describes the development and initial use of an on-line participant pool. It discusses the potential for within institution use and for Internet use. It describes how volunteers add their name to the pool, how researchers might use this resource and some of the security features. It also outlines the value of an on-line participant pool to traditional research and research conducted on the Internet.
11:35 am
World-Wide Web Survey Research: Benefits, Potential Problems, and Solutions

William C. Schmidt, Dalhousie University


The World-Wide Web presents surveys researchers with and unprecedented opportunity to examine groups of people with questionnaires tailored to the investigation of both broad and narrow topic domains. The current paper outlines some of the benefits of conducting survey research on the web, and familiarizes the reader with hardware and software requirements for conducting such research. Problems to expect to encounter in carrying out such research and resolutions to these problems are discussed. Finally some tips are provided to assist survey administrators in successfully implementing web survey projects.

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Columbus Hall A

Teaching Applications of the World-Wide Web

Moderator: Sarah Ransdell

Florida Atlantic University

1:00-2:40 pm

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1:00 pm
WISE: A Web Interface for Statistical Education

Dale Berger, Psychology Department,

Christopher Aberson,

Eric Emerson,

& Victoria Romero, The Claremont Graduate School


The Web Interface for Statistical Education (WISE) is a World Wide Web (WWW) site designed to supplement introductory statistics courses, especially in the social sciences. The site includes easy access to tutorials, papers, discussions, data bases, and other resources for teaching and learning statistics. The tutorial modules, which are the focus of the current paper, are designed to take advantage of the unique presentation and hypermedia features of the WWW.
1:20 pm
Using Internet Resources to Facilitate Learning in a Research Methods Course

Ellen F. Rosen,

& Linda C. Petty, Hampton University


Internet resources (WWW Web page, a Listserv discussion list, and e-mail) were used to facilitate student learning in a research methods course. The laboratory portion of the course also included instruction in computer usage in word processing and data analysis as well as using the student version of MEL as a research simulator. An attitudes and computer usage survey was administered at the beginning of the semester and again at the end of the semester.

1:40 pm
Internet-Based Instruction: an Implementation of Several Key Strengths

Soren Svanum,

Annabel Chen,

& Scott Bublitz, Indiana University-Purdue University--Indianapolis

An Internet-based instructional module was developed using Netscape 2.0 as the graphical interface. The content concerned Baysian probabilities and expected outcomes associated with the use of urine drug screens. Java script enabled interactive calculations of outcome probabilities given a selected set of parameters, and Apple Script and Claris Filemaker Pro monitored and recorded student activity and progress. Module elements will be demonstrated and discussed. Data on student satisfaction and learning will be presented.

2:00 pm
Building an Online Psychology Practice Exam Using JavaScript

Jesse Harriott, DePaul University

The present paper offers an introduction to JavaScript scripting in the context of its applicability to social scientists. First, the basic structure of a JavaScript script that is easily incorporated into an HTML document is presented. Second, the paper outlines how JavaScript can be used to create an HTML application that teachers of the social sciences can use to let their students to take up to three practice exams. This application is of special interest to teachers of the social sciences who want to allow their students a convenient, anonymous, and easy way to test themselves and their progress on the course material.

2:20 pm
Generating Individualized Tests and Homework Assignments Using HTML as a Prototype Form

David W. Stockburger, Southwest Missouri State University

e-mail: dws148f@NIC.SMSU.EDU

Individualizing statistical homework assignments and tests with different numbers has advantages when the calculations are performed by students using calculators or computers. Using HTML to create forms for the assignments presents advantages to the programmer with respect to modification and distribution issues.

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Columbus Hall B

Laboratory and Teaching Applications

Moderated by: Dave Sargent

State University of New York: College at Oswego

1:00-3:00 pm

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1:00 pm
A simple, inexpensive multi-station response system using HyperCard and LocalTalk.

Scott W. Allen, University of Lethbridge


An inexpensive system is described for presenting high-quality pictures on a large screen television controlled by a colour Macintosh computer to a group of participants who respond on individual low end Macintosh computers. The computers communicate through a localtalk network. Participants' responses are constrained by the program on the response computer and a record of the order and timing of responses is retained.

1:20 pm
ArtWare: Macintosh multimedia software for aesthetics research

Gregory L. Brake, Bowling Green University

Donald J. Polzella, University of Dayton

& Rob Kozar, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


This paper describes ArtWare, a HyperCard stack for the Macintosh that allows researchers to configure and run simple experiments in visual aesthetics. ArtWare allows researchers to (1) choose paintings or other works of art from commercially available videodiscs to use as stimuli, (2) create and edit sets of semantic differential response scales, and (3) create an experiment stack that randomizes the presentation of stimuli and scales as well as collects data from subjects. In addition, the paper discusses revisions planned for the current software to broaden its utility.

1:40 pm
PsySquash 2.0: A program for the analysis of PsyScope data files.

Jonathan Vaughan,

Penny Yee,

Amy Grey,

& Tiffany Mattson, Hamilton College


PsySquash is a Macintosh program that serves as a bridge between the data files of a widely-used freeware data acquisition system, PsyScope (MacWhinney and Cohen, 1993) and common statistical packages such as SAS, SPSS, and SuperAnova. An introduction ("PsySquashQuickStart") to PsySquash can be found at: tfp:// This presentation will provide a brief overview of PsySquash, and address questions raised by attendees who may have downloaded the program from the web site prior to the conference.

2:00 pm
Applications of a Symbolic Computing System (Maple) for Teaching Bivariate Relationships in Statistics Courses

Frank Hassebrock,

& Rita Snyder, Denison University


A symbolic computing system, Maple, was used in introductory statistics courses to promote students' conceptual understanding of description, prediction, generalization, and interpretation for bivariate relationships. Maple's symbolic computation, graphical displays, and animation capabilities support an integrated set of instructional methods through which students use graphical displays to examine relationships between correlation coefficients and regression lines, values of population and sample correlation coefficients, prediction error, and inferential testing.

2:20 pm
Reading Paradigms: From Lab to Cyberspace?

Doris Aaronson, Department of Psychology,

Edward Colet, New York University


Computer-controlled display procedures useful for doing reading research are discussed. The procedures vary the text unit size, the amount of context available, text movement, and use of text highlighting. The data suggest links between display attributes and subjects' linguistic coding strategies when reading mathematical word problems. The data also have implications for attributes that may make reading in Cyberspace more user-friendly for both novice and expert readers.

2:40 pm
A Procedure for Studying Factors that Affect Speeded Judgment

Harold H. Greene, ,

David A. Washburn,

& Fernando Gonzalez, Center of Excellent for Research on Training, Morris Brown College


Responses to speeded judgment (e.g., "shoot/don't shoot") situations are influenced by many variables and psychological processes. We will describe a custom-built firearms simulator with head/eye tracking capabilities for basic and applied research purposes. The system allows the user to project life-sized time-coded video-taped or computer animated "shoot/don't shoot" scenarios on a screen to collect a reaction time, sensitivity (d'), shot accuracy, eye movement, and pupil dilation data.

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Columbus Hall CD

Internet Experiments II:

Defninition and Examples

Moderated by: Margaret Anderson

State University of New York at Cortland

1:00-3:00 pm

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1:00 pm
Experimenting in the World Wide Web

Ulf-Dietrich Reips, Psychologisches Institut, University of Tübingen, Germany


Web experiments are experiments conducted on the World Wide Web (WWW). They differ fundamentally from laboratory and field experiments traditionally used in behavioral science. This article describes which hard-and software components are needed to set up a web experiment, and provides a thorough methodological discussion of web experimentation.

1:20 pm
The Lost Email Method: Milgram's Lost Letter Technique in the Age of the Internet

Steven E. Stern,

& Jon E. Faber, Beaver College


We examined Milgram's (1977) lost letter technique using e-mail. Seventy-nine college faculty received messages created to appear to have been erroneously sent to them. Nineteen percent of those who received the messages responded--all by returning the message to the "sender" instead of forwarding the message to the "recipient." These and other findings are discussed in light of recent research on electronic communication. The technique's usefulness as a research and educational tool is also discussed.

1:40 pm
Effecting changes in cognition through the use of HTML

Margaret D. Anderson, SUNY at Cortland


Research has indicated that lasting changes can be effected through the collaboration of computers and cognition (Salomon, Perkins and Globerson, 1991). this presentation provides a model for accomplishing these changes in students' cognition through the use of a Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) to program domain specific tutorials. An overview of the process necessary to guide students through the transition from traditional linear presentation of text material to a branching method of multimedia information access will be discussed. Examples of students' completed projects along with narrative evaluations will be presented.

2:00 pm
Comparing the Results of Laboratory and World-Wide Web Samples on the Determinants of Female Attractiveness

John H. Krantz,

Jody Ballard,

& Jody Scher, Hanover College


The internet provides a new way to gain access to subjects. However, it has not been demonstrated that using the internet yields useful data. For example, there is no control over the experimental environment. This paper will compare results form experiments conducted both over the internet and in a laboratory. In general, the results from laboratory and internet based version of the experiments are very comparable.

2:20 pm
Convergent Methodologies in Cyber-Psychology: A Case Study

Diane J. Schiano, Interval Research Corporation


"On-line communities" (e.g., MUDs--Multi-User Domains) are a popular, growing Internet phenomenon. Social science research (& media hype) on MUDs has been largely qualitative and anecdotal. We developed a multi-methodologies approach, using qualitative methods to explore (cyber-) psychological issues (e.g., addiction, identity, spatial cognition) in LambdaMOO MUD. Some close correspondences with "real life" were found, debunking some hype and providing new data on Internet communities and psychological theories.

2:40 pm
Internet Addiction: Is it real and how significant are the consequences?

Kimberly S. Young, Psychology Department, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford


Formal research has not investigated anecdotal reports that people are becoming addicted to the Internet in the same manner as others become addicted to alcohol or gambling. An adapted version of criteria for Substance Dependence defined by the DSM - IV was used to classify 396 dependent Internet users. Results supported addictive use of the internet and indicated marked social, psychological, and occupational impairment. Implications for monitoring a new clinical syndrome are discussed.

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3:15-4:15 pm Columbus Hall CD

Keynote Address

Lance R. Rips

Professor of Psychology

Northwestern University

Lance Rips is a cognitive psychologist whose research interests center on reasoning, categories and concepts, and autobiographical memory. He is the author of "The Psychology of Proof" as well as numerous journal articles and book chapters in these areas. He received his PhD from Stanford University and has held appointments at the

University of Chicago and (currently) Northwestern University, where he is Professor in the Department of Psychology and in the School of Education and Social Policy. He has served on the editorial boards of Cognitive Psychology and Cognition, and is currently working (with Roger Tourangeau and Kenneth Rasinski) on a book about cognitive

approaches to survey methods, to be published by Cambridge Press.

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4:15-5:00 pm Columbus Hall CD

Presidential Address

Michael Levy

University of Florida

The "R" that Psychology Forgot

5:00-5:30 pm Columbus Hall CD

Presentation of the

Castellan Student Paper Award


Business Meeting

SCiP Program Schedule


Columbus Hall


Columbus Hall


Columbus Hall CD

Columbus Hall Foyer

7:30-8:40 am
Continental Breakfast and Registration
8:40-10:00 am Clinical Applications of Computer Technology Computer Modeling Design and Use of Browsers Registration
10:00-10:15 am Morning Break Registration
10:15-11:55 am Construction and Maintenance of Web Sites AI and Statistical Applications Internet Experiments: Issues and Techniques Registration
11:55 am-1:00 pm
1:00-3:00pm Teaching Applications of the World-Wide Web Laboratory and Teaching Applications Internet Experiments: Definition and Examples
3:00-3:15 Afternoon Break
3:15-4:15 Keynote Address

Lance Rips

4:15-5:00 Presidential Address

Michael Levy

5:00-5:30 Business Meeting and Awards Presentation