PSY 164: Sensation and Perception

Class 4

  1. Finish The Neural Impulse
    1. Remind about Resting Potential
    2. The Action Potential
      1. The Voltage Cycle
      2. All-or-None Law
        1. All action potentials same size
        2. Action potential stays sames Size as travels
        3. How does the action potential happen chemically
        4. What does this mean?
      3. Saltatory Conduction
        Saltatory Conduction
      4. Refractory Periods
        1. Absolute :
          • Basically Sodium Channel is Open
          • Lasts ~ 1 ms
        2. Relative :
          • Rest of action potential till after overshoot is done
          • Lasts 1-2 msec
  2. Synapses


    source unknown.
  3. Synaptic Transmission
    1. Production
    2. Storage
    3. Release
    4. Binding
    5. Removal - Destruction and Reuptake

      From "Action at the Synapse" the Psychology Place now owned by Pearson Ed. 
  4. Generating a New Action Potential
    1. Summation
      1. Spatial Summation
      2. Temporal Summation

    2. Let us See Summation in Action
  5. The Brain
    1. General Organization
      1. The Brain is divided into four lobes
        1. Frontal
        2. Parietal
        3. Temporal
        4. Occipital
      2. The Thalamus

        Source unknown
    2. The Cortex
      1. Is the surface of the brain, about 1/4" thick
      2. Is composed of 6 layers

        Netter, Ciba Collection of Medical Illustrations   Source unknown
      3. Different parts of the cortex perform different functions, e.g.:
        1. Visual Cortex: Occipital Lobe
        2. Auditory Cortex: Temporal Lobe
        3. Somatosensory Cortex: Parietal Lobe: Postcentral Gyrus
        4. Motor Cortex: Frontal Lobe: Precentral Gyrus